Interview with Chatral Rinpoche’s daughter, Semo Saraswati Dorje: Are you in this photo?Semo la: No, I’m not there.Q: I thought the person in the middle was you.A: No, that is my sister, Tara Devi.Q: Could you tell us who the people in this picture are?A: From...
Chenga Lama on the Kangso ritual Mingur: Tashi Delek! Chenga Lama: Tashi Delek la. Q: Shall we begin? A: Yes, please. Let’s start. Q: Before we begin, could you share a few words about yourself? What is your name, and where were you born? A: I was born in...
Kheba Dorje Dorje: Can you share a few words about the work you are doing as an artist these days? Kheba Dorje: Although we refer to ourselves as artists in general, I specialize in lhabri (painting). I started learning many years ago. Q: What kind of artwork...