Mingur: Tashi delek, Brother! Nawang: Tashi delek! Q: Let’s get started. A: Yes, sure, please! Q: Your good name please? A: My name is Ngawang Dorje Lama, but people know me as Gore Nawang. Q: Why do people call you Gore Nawang? A: I used to live in a...
Mingur: Tashi delek! Chenga Lama: Tashi delek la. Q: Shall we start? A: Yes, sure, please. Q: Before we start, could you please tell me a few words about yourself? What is your name? Where were you born? A: I was born in Sermathang. Our ancestors came from Shar Gonpa...
Dorje: What is your name, Meme (Grandpa)? Bonpo Pasang: My name is Pasang. Q: How old are you? A: Four times twenty and four. Q: Four times twenty and four?! A: Yes, 84. Q: Is your family from Milimchim or you moved here? A: I am from over there, Bolgang. Originally,...
Mingyur: I think you are making masks for many years. Can you tell me how old were you, when you started learning about mask making? Karma Sherpa, mask maker: I started it, when I was around seventeen-eighteen years old. Q: Has someone taught you making masks? Who was...
Mingyur: At what age did you start working as a mikten (matchmaker)? Singi Sherpa: During my father’s time there was no mikten in our village, and they had to find one, when they needed a bride for their son. Later, when the committees were formed, they requested...